Saturday, October 10, 2009

Out of this World: Extraordinary Costumes

As technology increases and our skills of manufacturing enhance, our imperfections of the past are looked at in a whole new way. While visiting, The Out of this World: Extraordinary Costumes from Film and Television, at the California museum in Sacramento demonstrated how our society has changed classic images. While touring through the exhibit looking back on all our old favorite heroes and movie characters costumes, we can see how simple yet wonderful these costumes were. By taking a comparison of Robin’s costume from the first Batman movie and comparing it to the newest one, a great deal of change has taken place through the decades. Although fashion has improved in design and function ability our past creations and icons can never be taken granted for. Because of the image of certain icons creators know that our perceptions of heroes and even side kicks will always bring us back to our favorite childhood characters. As most of us know in the begging Robin, Batman’s sidekick wore a black mask and a red shirt for the top along with green tights and green sleeves. While using complimentary colors for his outfit designer’s help gear our memories toward Robin when we see an outfit that resembles such colors. Although the old and new costumes are constructed differently, our perception of the design creates a symbol that is engraved into the society’s minds.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

General Design

To be honest, this is my first blog entry ever. As it being my first and being a design student at UC Daivs I am going to focus on design in society. Throughout my blogs, I am going to establish what design is to me and look forward to how my perception of design changes and grows.

The world is one big design, know matter where we look or go it surrounds us. From a poster on the wall to the building we live in is a creation of someone’s. So, who are the people of design? In one word it’s everyone; we are a society of variation and expression. To some design is about function ability and others it’s about the out of the ordinary. While our lives evolve around design, there is so much that we look past never taking the time to appreciate and understand what design really is. If asked to explain what design is in one word, how would you reply. Is it interesting, emotion, creative, materialistic, inspiring, or is it even possible to describe in one word. Although the dictionary can help us understand what this word means, it doesn’t tell us what design is. And who says if art is art or if that dress is fashionable.

And so the journey begins what is Design? How does it influence us? What do we mean when we say Design in Society?